What Time is Sunrise and Sunset in Redwood National Park?

Here are today's sunrise and sunset times in Redwood National Park, United States. You'll also find a sunrise and sunset calendar on this page for specific dates of sunrise/sunset in Redwood National Park.

Today Wednesday, October 9, 2024


7:23 am

Dawn: 6:55 am

Sunrise today in Redwood National Park was at 7:23 AM PDT ().


6:45 pm

Dusk: 7:13 pm

Sunset today in Redwood National Park was at 6:45 PM PDT ().

Tomorrow Thursday, October 10, 2024


7:24 am

Dawn: 6:56 am

Sunrise today in Redwood National Park will be at 7:24 AM PDT ().


6:44 pm

Dusk: 7:11 pm

Sunset today in Redwood National Park will be at 6:44 PM PDT ().

Photos Sunrise and Sunset Photos of Redwood National Park

Sunrise and sunset photos of Redwood National Park from Flickr.

Sunset at Gold Bluffs Beach
Close of Day
We cannot put off living until we are ready…
Natural Spotlight
Gold Bluffs Sunrise
11 Lady Bird Johnson Grove
Elk on beach campground
Gold sunset moment
Soon, dinner's ready
Beach golden coast flora
Fog is coming soon, soon
Gold Bluffs Beach, North California
Cya later, sun!
Pacific Ocean goes night
Anger begins with folly, and ends with repentance…

Calendar Redwood National Park Sunrise and Sunset Calendar

Sunrise calendar and sunset calendar for Redwood National Park. Discover Redwood National Park's detailed solar schedule, including day length, dawn, dusk, and solar noon times. Easily explore any month and year with our interactive calendar.

DateDawnSunriseSolar NoonSunsetDuskDay Length

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Redwood National Park

When is the shortest day in Redwood National Park?

The shortest day of the year in Redwood National Park will be on Saturday, December 21, 2024. In 2025 the shortest day of the year will be on December 21, 2025.

When is the longest day in Redwood National Park?

The longest day in Redwood National Park will be on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Next year the longest day of the year in Redwood National Park will be on June 21, 2025.

When is the earliest sunrise in Redwood National Park?

The earliest sunrise time of 2024 in Redwood National Park will be on Friday, June 14, 2024 at 5:43 AM.

When is the latest sunset in Redwood National Park?

The latest sunset time in Redwood National Park will be on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 8:54 PM.

National Parks near Redwood National Park: Castle Rock National Wildlife Refuge, Redwood National and State Parks.

Redwood National Park, California

Redwood National Park is a national park located in the state of California, USA. The park protects some of the tallest and oldest trees in the world.

Redwood National Park
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles