What Time is Sunrise and Sunset in Guaynabo, PR?

Discover the latest sunrise and sunset schedules for Guaynabo, Puerto Rico covering today and tomorrow. Scroll down to find a comprehensive calendar outlining future sunrise and sunset times for Guaynabo.

Today Saturday, October 12, 2024


6:18 am

Dawn: 5:56 am

Sunrise today in Guaynabo was at 6:18 AM AST ().


6:05 pm

Dusk: 6:27 pm

Sunset today in Guaynabo will be at 6:05 PM AST ().

Tomorrow Sunday, October 13, 2024


6:18 am

Dawn: 5:56 am

Sunrise tomorrow in Guaynabo will be at 6:18 AM AST ().


6:04 pm

Dusk: 6:26 pm

Sunset tomorrow in Guaynabo will be at 6:04 PM AST ().

Photos Sunrise and Sunset Photos of Guaynabo

Sunrise and sunset photos of Guaynabo, PR from Flickr.

9 to 5 at dawn
Independence Day
Bayamón Sunset
Bayamón Sunset
Hacienda Sunset in San Juan
Early Morning Return
Sunrise, Sunset

Calendar Guaynabo Sunrise and Sunset Calendar

Sunrise calendar and sunset calendar for Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. Discover Guaynabo, PR's detailed solar schedule, including day length, dawn, dusk, and solar noon times. Easily explore any month and year with our interactive calendar.

DateDawnSunriseSolar NoonSunsetDuskDay Length

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Guaynabo

When is the shortest day in Guaynabo, PR?

The shortest day of the year in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico will be on Saturday, December 21, 2024. In 2025 the shortest day of the year will be on December 21, 2025.

When is the longest day in Guaynabo, PR?

The longest day in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico will be on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Next year the longest day of the year in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico will be on June 21, 2025.

When is the earliest sunrise in Guaynabo, PR?

The earliest sunrise time of 2024 in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico will be on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 5:48 AM.

When is the latest sunset in Guaynabo, PR?

The latest sunset time in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico will be on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 7:06 PM.

Cities near Guaynabo: Río Piedras, Santurce.

National Parks near Guaynabo: San Juan National Historic Site.

Guaynabo is a municipality in the northern part of Puerto Rico, located just outside the capital city of San Juan. With a population of over 100,000 people, it is one of the island’s most populous municipalities. Guaynabo is known for its large financial and industrial sector, as well as its many shopping malls and restaurants.

Guaynabo, PR
Timezone: America/Puerto_Rico