What Time is Sunrise and Sunset in Sandia Knolls, NM?

Plan your day with our guide to today's and tomorrow's sunrise and sunset times in Corrales, New Mexico. Scroll down to find a comprehensive sunrise and sunset calendar for Corrales.

Today Friday, October 11, 2024


7:09 am

Dawn: 6:44 am

Sunrise today in Sandia Knolls will be at 7:09 AM MDT ().


6:36 pm

Dusk: 7:01 pm

Sunset today in Sandia Knolls will be at 6:36 PM MDT ().

Tomorrow Saturday, October 12, 2024


7:10 am

Dawn: 6:44 am

Sunrise tomorrow in Sandia Knolls will be at 7:10 AM MDT ().


6:35 pm

Dusk: 7:00 pm

Sunset tomorrow in Sandia Knolls will be at 6:35 PM MDT ().

Photos Sunrise and Sunset Photos of Sandia Knolls

Sunrise and sunset photos of Sandia Knolls, NM from Flickr.

Sunset with a friend
Cloudy Chaos
Sandia Park Sunrise
Another Day in Paradise
San Pedro Sunrise
New Mexico Sunrise
Event at Dawn
i don't know what else to do with the d3
age before beauty

Calendar Sandia Knolls Sunrise and Sunset Calendar

Sunrise calendar and sunset calendar for Sandia Knolls, New Mexico. Discover Sandia Knolls, NM's detailed solar schedule, including day length, dawn, dusk, and solar noon times. Easily explore any month and year with our interactive calendar.

DateDawnSunriseSolar NoonSunsetDuskDay Length

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Sandia Knolls

When is the shortest day in Sandia Knolls, NM?

The shortest day of the year in Sandia Knolls, New Mexico will be on Saturday, December 21, 2024. In 2025 the shortest day of the year will be on December 21, 2025.

When is the longest day in Sandia Knolls, NM?

The longest day in Sandia Knolls, New Mexico will be on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Next year the longest day of the year in Sandia Knolls, New Mexico will be on June 20, 2025.

When is the earliest sunrise in Sandia Knolls, NM?

The earliest sunrise time of 2024 in Sandia Knolls, New Mexico will be on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 5:51 AM.

When is the latest sunset in Sandia Knolls, NM?

The latest sunset time in Sandia Knolls, New Mexico will be on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 8:24 PM.

National Parks near Sandia Knolls: Petroglyph National Monument, Pecos National Historic Park.

Sandia Knolls is a small unincorporated community in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, United States. It is located on the east side of the Rio Grande, just north of Albuquerque. The community is part of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Sandia Knolls, NM
Timezone: America/Denver